Happy Notes Extra’s

Welcome to the bonus section of the book Sugaridoo Happy Notes. Here you will find all the extra’s. A cheat sheet, a bonus half squared triangle pattern, a smaller Happy Notes sampler, and much more.

How does it work

Check the page number that directed you here. Click that page number down below. That will bring you to the information you’ll need or the project you we’re looking at in the book.

Happy Quilting!

Links from the book

Extra’s that we’re linked from the book, but might come in handy!

Page 9 – Foundation Paper Piecing eCourse

Want to become a confident foundation paper piecer? Learn how to do FPP on freezer paper, work with directional fabrics and more?

Check out my online course on FPP!

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Page 17 – Cheat Sheet

Download your cheat sheet here. Choose your paper size, letter or A4.

Download the Cheat Sheet, LETTER size

Download the Cheat Sheet, A4 size

Cut along the outside lines. Fold and glue it into a triangular shape. You can put this next to your sewing machine as a reminder of the steps you need to repeat in FPP.

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Page 43 – Smaller Happy Notes Sampler

Want to make the Happy Notes sampler, but not the large version from the book? I got you covered. Here are the instructions to make a smaller version of the sampler quilt.

This quilt measures 43 x 56 inch.


For this quilt you will need the following blocks. I added the blocks and colors I used to the list, but you can use all the patterns from the book as you like.

  • 8 times a 11 inch block
    • 1 x camera [turquoise]
    • 1 x Ice cream [Orange + Pink]
    • 1 x Yarn [pink]
    • 1 x Brushes [blue]
    • 1 x HAPPY [all colors] (download the 11 inch HAPPY block)
    • 1 x Sewing Machine [turquoise] (download the 11 inch Sewing Machine block)
    • 1 x Plant [pink]
    • 1 x Radio [orange]
  • 8 times a 8 inch block
    • 1 x Phone [green]
    • 1 x MAKE [pink]
    • 1 x Post open [pink]
    • 1 x Post close [blue]
    • 1 x Yarn [green]
    • 1 x Present [blue]
    • 1 x CREATE [green]
    • 1 x Plant [orange]
  • 6 times a 6 inch block
    • 6 x star block [all colors] (download the 6 inch Star 1 and Star 2 blocks)
  • 6 times a 5 inch block
    • 6 x Mugs [all colors]

Coloring Page Smaller Sampler

You can download and print this coloring page to design your own small version of the sampler.

[Download the coloring page]


Cut the following strips

  • A: 5 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • B: 6 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (5 times)
  • C: 8 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • D: 11 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • E: 17 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • F: 23 1/1 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • G: 41 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (4 times)
  • H: 54 1/2 x 1 1/2″ (2 times)


Now it’s time to assemble the quilt top. Start with sewing the vertical strips between the blocks.

  • Join the 5 inch blocks with strips A,
  • the 6 inch blocks with strips B,
  • the 8 inch blocks with strips C and
  • the 11 inch blocks with strips D.

Now add the horizontal strips to assemble 4 sections.

  • Use two strips F to join the top left and bottom sections
  • Use four strips E to join the top right and bottom left sections.

Now you join the sections to create rows.

  • Use two strips F to join the top and bottom sections in horizontal rows.

Almost there. Now you add strips G to join all the rows together. Also sew a strip to the bottom and top of the quilt.

Final step is to sew strip H to the left and right side of the quilt top annnnnd you’re done!

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Page 44 – Quilting With Rulers

Here are some videos to help you on your way for quilting your quilts.

Let’s start with a video on free motion quilting on a domestic sewing machine.

New to quilting with rulers? Here is an introduction video on machine quilting with rulers on a domestic sewing machine.

Do you have a high shank or low shank sewing machine? Find out in the next video.

You will find more videos on quilting, both free motion and with rulers, on my YouTube channel.

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Page 51 – Instructions for the three Super Sized recipes

In the book you find three recipes in the Super sized quilt block chapter. Three ideas on how to turn a super sized block into a cool quilt project. Here you find the more detailed instructions for each of those recipes.

Summer on a stickA crib sized popsicle quilt

Are you team ice cream or team popsicles? This quilt would be perfect to use in a crib. Or make it with some extra fluffy batting to use it as a play mat.

This quilt measure 32 x 42 inch.


Enlarge the popsicle block from page 90 to 200%. Making it a 20 x 8 inch block. Make six blocks. Use a 2 1/2 inch sashing (2” finished) in between the blocks, and also as a border. 

Fabric requirements

For the crib size quilt, measuring 32 x 42 inch you will need the following:

  • Background fabric 50” x WOF
  • Kona Chartreuse 10” x ½ WOF
  • Sassafras Green  10” x WOF
  • Kona Clover 10” x ½ WOF
  • Kona Aloha 10” x ½ WOF
  • Sassafras Turquoise 10” x WOF
  • Kona Emerald 10” x ½ WOF
  • Kona Azure 10” x ½ WOF
  • Sassafras Blue 10” x WOF
  • Kona Ocean 10” x ½ WOF
  • Kona Brown 10” x ½ WOF

Quilt top

Cut the following strips from the backing fabric

  • A 2 ½ x 20 1/2 inch (6 times)
  • B 2 ½  x 28 1/2 inch (2 times)
  • C 2 ½ x 42 1/2 inch (2 times)
  • D 2 ½ x 32 ½ inch (2 times)

Sew pieces A in between the popsicles. Sew pieces B in between the rows. Now add pieces C to the left and right sides. Finish the quilt top by adding pieces D to the top and bottom of the quilt. 


For the quilting I used a combination of straight line quilting and ruler work. To create the pattern of this quilt you start off with a 2 x 2 inch grid. First sew over the seams in your quilt, stitch in the ditch, to make the base of your grid. Then you can mark the remaining lines on your quilt with a Hera marker, or use a seam guide to sew the lines 2 inches apart. 

Now it’s time for a very fun ruler. The mini lollipop circle ruler. This ruler is part of the Mini Lollipop ruler set by Amanda Murphy. I love these fun rulers!

Start quilting a circle in one row, making a circle in every other square. Then you skip a row, and go down doing the same thing, making a circle in every other square. 

After you do that in one direction you turn your quilt. Now sew lines in the other direction, crossing the straight lines and placing a circle in the empty squares. 

Now you have a fun pattern with plusses, circles and empty squares in your grid.

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A quilters super power – A quitters super power

MAKE and CREATE are such powerful tools we have as quilters. We can MAKE something beautiful out of a few fabrics. We can CREATE something new, something that will be loved, something we can pour our heart into. Making and creating are such superpowers for our happiness, our mental well being. Let’s celebrate that with these pillows!

These pillows will each measure 20 x 20 inch. 

Fabric Requirements (for one pillow)

  • Colored fabric 10 x 20” for each letter 
  • Background fabric 10” x width of fabric
  • Back of the pillow case 20 ½ x 12 ½” (2 times)
  • Batting 24 x 24 inch
  • Backing 25 x 25 inch


The MAKE and CREATE pillows are made with enlarged blocks. The 8 inch patterns printed on page 77 to 80 in the book, need to be scaled to 250%. For the MAKE and CREATE pillow you need 20 inch blocks.

The letters for the MAKE block should measure 10 x 10 inch. The letters for the CREATE should measure 10 x 6 ⅔ inch. (Both in finished size.)

Put together the blocks following the instructions on page 24. The blocks should measure 20 ½ inch including seam allowance.

Quilt sandwich

When your blocks are done you can put together the quilt sandwich with your preferred method. We will first quilt the blocks as if they are mini quilts, and then turn them into pillow cases.


You can go multiple ways with quilting these blocks. I quilted MAKE with some fun shapes inside the letters. I used a wavy ruler from the Every Wave set by Amanda Murphy for the M and E. 

The A and K were quilted with the inside of the Taj ruler, a ruler by Angela walters. After quilting the letters, I quilted horizontal lines very close to each other in the background. This will make the letters pop. 

CREATE was quilted in the same all over pattern as the sampler quilt. Using circle rulers to randomly fill the whole space. For this quilt pattern I used the Every Circle ruler set by Amanda Murphy. 

Making the pillow

Find the instructions to turn the mini quilts into pillows with the Ice Cream pillow project on page 57.

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Cover with love – A very HAPPY sewing machine cover

Our sewing machine is a trustworthy companion that we use a lot when making a quilt. But there are days, weeks or sometimes months that we have other things to do. This cover is perfect for some protection of your sewing machine when it’s not being used. 

This cover will fit most types of sewing machines because it’s customizable to the size of your machine. I’ll walk you through measuring the sizes of your machine and adjusting the pattern accordingly.

Fabric requirements

The amount of fabric needed for this project depends on the size of your sewing machine. Here is what I used for the cover for my Bernina 770QE that is built into a table.

  • Fabric scraps in your favorite colors
  • Background fabric: Kona Bone 20 inch x Width of fabric
  • Batting: 20 x 30 inch
  • Backing: 21 x 31 inch

Measuring your machine

All machines are different, so this is no one size fits all cover. Yes, you will need to do some calculating for this project. But I’m right here with you. Don’t be afraid of some quilt math. You can do this!

Let’s first measure the size of your machine:

  • First we want to know the width of the machine, we’ll call this MachineWidth in the instructions.
  • Then we need to measure from the table top in front, over the top, to the table top at the back of your machine. Let’s call that measurement OverTop.

My machine is a Bernina 770QE which is built into a table. My measurements are 

MachineWidth: 20 inch
OverTop: 25 inch


Start with making the word HAPPY two times. You will find the pattern for the 14 inch HAPPY block [download the pattern].  Each HAPPY should measure 14 1/2 x 5 inch including seam allowance.

Note: Is your sewing machine less than 15 inches wide? Then you want to use the 12 inch HAPPY block from the book. Adjust the strip length in the following instructions to 12 ½ inch to match the width of your HAPPY blocks. 

Adding colored strips

Now we have the HAPPY blocks ready, we will add some strips in between. It will depend on the OverTop measurement how many strips you will need in your machine cover.

Strip sizes
Coloured strips: 14 1/2 x 1 inch
Background strips: 14 1/2 x 1 1/2 inch

How many strips
My OverTop measures 25 inches. I sewed 7 background strips and 6 coloured strips, alternating, between the HAPPY blocks. 

When your OverTop measures less than 25 inches you can go with 5 or even 4 colored strips in between the HAPPY blocks, alternating them with 6 or 5 background strips.

When your OverTop measures over 30 inches you could go with 7 or 8 colored strips, alternating them with 8 or 9 background strips. 

Sewing the stripes in the center
Start with sewing a background strip to one of the HAPPY blocks. Then a colored strip. Alternate until you have added all your strips. Then add the other HAPPY block. Make sure that you have the HAPPY blocks with the tops facing toward each other.

Sewing the stripes to the top and bottom
Now add a background strip to the other sides of the HAPPY blocks. 

Place your piece over your sewing machine to see if you need to add more strips. Continue to add alternating colored/background strips until your piece reaches the table at the front and back of your sewing machine. 

Side border

Now we need the MachineWidth to do a tiny bit of calculating to finish off your cover top. We need to calculate the width of the side borders for your machine cover. The width of the HAPPY block is 14 1/2 inch, so we use the finished size 14 inch in the calculation below.

The calculation you need to make is the following:
MachineWidth – 14” = WidthTwoBorders
WidthTwoBorders ÷ 2 = WidthOneBorder
WidthOneBorder + 1/2 inch = Width of border including seam allowance

With my measurements this calculation looks like this.
20 – 14 = 6 inch (Width of both borders)
6 ÷ 2 = 3 inch (Width of one border)
3 + 1/2 = 3 1/2 inch (Width of one border including seam allowance)

For my machine I needed to cut two times a piece of 3 1/2 inch x OverTop. 

Sew the borders to both sides of the HAPPY blocks. And then your machine cover top is done. 


For the quilting I focussed on making the colored stripes and the letters pop. For that I first quilted around the letters. I did not quilt in the ditch (on the seam), but quilted a tiny bit outside the seams. For the colored strips I quilted just a tiny bit inside the strips. 

After outlining, I quilted some free motion loops and wiggles in between the strips and in the spaces around the letters. 

Ribbons + Binding

With the quilting done it is time to add some ribbons and a binding. Place the ribbons on the backside of the cover, about 3 inches from the bottom and top. Place them right side up on the back of the cover. Secure them in place by stitching them with 1/8 inch seam allowance. 

Then add a binding with your preferred method and your cover is done!

Now you can place the cover over your sewing machine, tie the robbins on both sides and your machine is all wrapped up in your HAPPY cover.

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With the scraps left over from the HAPPY quilt you can make a fun half square triangle project. The instructions for that project will follow soon.

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Coloring Pages

Here are the coloring pages for some projects in the book:

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Found something in the book that doesn’t look quite right? Let me know: [email protected]. Any corrections will be show here.

  • Page 59 – Something went wrong with the final version of The HAPPY quilt in the book. Download the corrected version of the pattern:

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