Weight | 1250 g |
Complete ruler set for the 2022 QAL
In the 2022 Sugaridoo Bernina QAL we will focus on quilting our quilts. I’ll be demonstrating free motion qiulting patterns and will de learning you how to work with rulers on your sewing machine.
This is the complete set of rulers that we will be using:
* Every angle Template (Straight ruler)
* Circle Template Set of 5
* Mini Lolipop Template Set of 5
* Taj Machine Quilting Ruler
* Every Wave Template Set of 3
We will be using the straight ruler (Every Angle) for stitching in the ditch around our blocks and making straight line patterns. The circle rulers, Mini lollipop rulers and Taj ruler will be used to quilt patterns in our blocks. The wavy rulers (Every Wave) will be used to quilt the background of our quilt.
If you want to start using rulers I would recommend getting a straight ruler and circle rulers first. Those two give you already endless options to quilt your quilts.
Make sure to select the high or low shank according to your sewing machine. If you’re not sure, feel free to contact me.
$355.71 $374.43