Yarn spools Paper Piecing Pattern

This is the paper piecing pattern for the yarn spools quilt block measuring 7,5 x 47,5 cm (3 x 19″). In this pattern you will find the paper piecing templates, a coloring page to try out colors/fabrics and instructions on how to assemble the parts of the block.

You will receive the digital patterns PDF in both Dutch and English, there are 3 files included:
– English in INCH on Letter format
– English in CM on A4 format
– Dutch in CM on A4 format


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Digital pattern
The pattern will be available right after you complete your payment in PDF format. For a digital pattern you won’t pay any shipping.

There are no basic instructions on how to do foundation paper piecing in this pattern. Want to learn foundation paper piecing? Take a look at this introduction video, or sign up for the Sugaridoo Foundation Paper Piecing course!