A brand new FREE Sugaridoo Bernina Quilt along started January 14th 2022
Welcome! I am SO happy that you are here. On January the 14th 2022 we started a new quilting adventure. Together we are going to learn how to quilt our own quilts, and I would love for you to join us!
Building confidence together
Many quilters have a few (or maybe a pile) of quilt tops ready, waiting to be quilted. But often it feels more comfortable to pick out new fabrics and start a new quilt top then to actually finish and quilt those quilts.
It that you? Would you like to get more confident in quilting your own quilts so you have the skills ready to finish your quilt tops in to beautiful quilts? Then this QAL is for you!
Free Motion and Rulerwork Quilting
This quilt along will focus on learning to quilt, specifically doing Free Motion quilting and Rulerwork quilting.
We will start with making a fun tree quilt as our canvas. On this quilt we will make 16 different quilting designs, starting at the very basics and working toward more advanced quilting patterns from there.
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What are we going to do in this Quilt Along?
Quilt top
During the first 8 weeks we will sew our quilt top. The technique we use for this is foundation paper piecing on freezer paper. I’ll demonstrate this technique in a video during the QAL.
Making a sandwich
In this quilt along we will discuss different methods for basting your quilt. I’ll demonstrate making a quilt sandwich with pins, spray basting and basting with big stitches
Setting up your machine
This quilt along is for everybody. No matter what type of machine you have you can join in! We’ll go over how to set up your machine for quilting and test out what your machine is capable of.
And of course we will be quilting. The focus in this quilt along will be to learn Free Motion quilting and Rulerwork quilting. But I will also give options to quilt along with straight line quilting.
Blog posts on the One Two Tree QAL
Announcement of the QAL [English, Dutch or German]
Materials and Fabrics + First giveaway [English, Dutch or German]
Pattern for the back of the quilt [English, Dutch or German]
Pick your fabrics with this Coloring Page
Part 1: Flynn [English, Dutch or German]

Kits and rulers for the One Two Tree quilt along
More information
Want to learn more about the QAL? Watch the videos below. This first one was published before the QAL was officially announced. It’s about the idea of the QAL and contains some sneak peeks.
The video below is the official announcement of the One Two Tree QAL. I’m showing the quilts we will be making, the design for the backing of the quilt. And I’ll talk about the giveaways within the QAL. Did you know you can win a Bernina Q16 during the quilt along?
Afterwards, we also did a Live Q&A, you can watch the replay here:
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