Hi there!

Picking the right colors of yarn for your crochet project can be challenging. Choosing the perfect color combination can really give your work that bit of extra pop. But which colors match and which aren’t so great together?

How do you pick colors when you’re about to paint your house? With color swatches! Super easy to use, pick a few, hold them next to each other and you’ll quickly see if the combination is a winner. So why not use color swatches for crochet yarn :) They are super easy to make. Let me show you how.

What do we need

  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Thread bobbins
  • Optional: double sided tape

color Swatches materials

Let’s get started. Take a thread bobbin and put a small piece of double sided tape on the back. You can skip this step if you want. I like to secure the thread to the bobbin this way, but it also works without the tape.


Now stick the end of the thread to the double sided tape and start winding you thread around the bobbin.


Wind and wind and wind and wind..


Secure the end in the notch of the bobbin and cut off the thread.


Now write down the brand and color number of the yarn on the bobbin. I use one letter to remember the brand (in this case P for Phidar coton 3) and then the number for the color.

And that’s it! Just repeat this for all the yarn lying around in your house and you’re all set to mix and match yarn colors.

When you make it a habit to make color swatches every time you buy new yarn, you won’t have the problem of not knowing the brand or color number anymore (happend to me too often haha..).

color Swatches2

Easy peasy right? Let me know what you think of yarn color swatches!


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8 years ago

I so love the swatch card idea! I’ll keep it in mind the next time I am planning a knitting project. It would probably work great with embroidery floss colors as well.

7 years ago

I simply cut a small piece of yarn from the new ball of wool and tape it to the band that was around the wool – that way you have ALL the information you need (including the yarn weight) – I then store them in the little money bags you get from the bank with the project name on a sticker on the front so I know what wool I have used. With us all being environmentally friendly why waste a thread bobbin?

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