I think strange is the best word to describe how I´m feeling since the outbreak of the Corona virus. Right now we need to stay home as much as possible in The Netherlands. Everything is cancelled until at least the 1st of June.
We´ve been working from home for 10 days now when I´m writing this. Marten and I are taking shifts in caring for our, not so little mister, Jules so we can both work half days. The first week felt like a much needed break from everything. Since the start of the Sugaridoo Bernina QAL I´ve been so busy.

But yesterday it all hit me. New measures were announced. The time period of staying home was extended. I´m very happy that the government is taking action to flatten the curve.
But the consequences of this all for friends, for family, for small businesses, but also for larger businesses around us are starting to show. I´m very lucky to be able to sort of continue working like I was used to. But that is not at all the case for most other people.
Yesterday I watched the news, I read news articles, I checked social media. I dived in and just got very sad. There is so much going on. I was feeling all the feelings. I noticed how quickly my mood shifted from happy, positive and grateful to sad, uncertain and anxious.
Yesterday I let it be. I gave it time to sink in. To process what is happening around us.
This morning I meditated over it and wrote some questions to my self in my journal. Would it be better to just close my eyes, to not look at what is happening around me? To just pretend like it’s all OK and wait till it’s over? To not pay attention to the problems of others so I won’t feel sad myself?
No. That just doesn’t feel right for me. I don’t want to close my eyes and hide from the things around me. But I also don’t want to (and I just can’t) ride this roller coaster of emotions by constantly checking the news and social media and socking up all the sadness..
I can’t help everyone, I can’t solve everything, I can’t make all the people better. When I look at it like that, I feel powerless. The only thing I can do is stay home, that sounds so useless.
But when I look at it from a slightly different angle, staying home is the most important thing that I can do right now, I can stay home to slow down the spreading of the virus. And slowing down the virus means saving lives.
And while staying at home I can take care of myself and my family. I can stay in touch with family and friends. I can exercise, take a walk outside, eat healthy, meditate, do yoga all in order to stay healthy and to be able to keep a positive mind set. And that with that positive mindset I can share things to spread happiness!

Yesterday I shared my baby plants on Instagram. All three of them are growing a new leave. To be honest, normally I wouldn’t even have had baby plants. I always forget to take care of my plants😅. But since I’m home so much, I spotted the baby plants, I repotted them, and now they are growing!
With a picture of my baby plants, I shared a little bit about how I was feeling. Being open about how I was feeling and sharing such a small happy picture, resulted in so many messages. People recognized it, said they were feeling the same, writing me that they felt cheered up by that happy picture of my baby plants.
What ever your situation is. I hope you will try to focus on the positive things, no matter how small they are. I’m not saying that all of a sudden things will be easy. But if you can find things that can lift your spirit just tiny bit, that’s going to make a difference.
Opening up about how I was feeling, and hearing that others were feeling the same way helped me a lot. Call a friend, talk with your family, leave a comment down below, we are all going through this together.
It also helped me to let all the feelings be for a while, to just let it sink in. To give it time to process.
And it also helps me to write about it, to meditate on it. Something that I will take extra time for in these strange times.
Take time to focus on little things that you can be grateful for. I’m going to find something everyday and share it on my stories in Instagram. Let spread positivity together for everyone how needs it.
I’m sending you the biggest hug! Just wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze tight. We’ll get through this together.
Thank you. I feel the same way.
Thank you for your upbeat attitude! I am so grateful for the little things such as paper products, alcohol, and hand sanitizer! I am grateful my husband does the shopping because I have a compromised immune system, my son made it home from Australia during the middle of the corona virus, and my other son and family are safe after a tornado hit there hometown in Mississippi. I know we are all going through a lot, but it seems that we all realize in the end that family is the most important thing and we become grateful for the little things we took for granted. Stay safe and always be your cheerful self! Your fellow quilter, Joyce Carter
Reading your writing made me feel good. I’ve been staying home putting my quilting on hold while making masks for family and friends. My husband and I take turns going to the supermarket and post office (to mail the masks.)
It’s unbelievable how much we take for granted, when something terrible like this virus comes along.
That reminds me, I have a Pilea plant with quite a few babies that need replanting, I’ll finally get to that now.
Be safe, stay healthy,
Barbara xo
First and foremost BIG HUG FOR YOU IRENE!!!! Yes it is difficult to stay inside like this and not be around friends and family we enjoy. Hopefully, this madness will be gone very shortly and life will go back to normal. Love your hair, something very brave for you to do but if it make you happy why not?
I’m glad that you were able to talk about your feelings and spend time with your family I hope your move went well and things were slowly getting a little bit back to normal I’m looking forward to your video next week for the next row of the quilt along. Thanks for the positive energy.
It’s now July 18, and we’re still living in this strange time. I cope by counting my blessings every day, but I’ve struggled to sew. Thank you, Irene, for doing what you do! I love your spirit and energy. I finally went into my sewing room after watching a couple of your blogs and did some minor projects. I’ve made commitment to myself to spend at least 20 minutes a day sewing–even if I just sew some scraps together. This is what I miss–sewing with my Sew Sisters. But for now, I will love all my Sewing Community by staying home and sending virtual hugs. Be safe and well.