Thank you for your posts, you messages and your emails over the last months. It’s so wonderful to see that we can encourage each other. That we can cheer each other on.
Tell me everything!
Three months of working on unfinished projects. How did it go? Did you work on something? Did you finish something? Did you set new goals?
I would love to hear what you did in the past 3 months. How did it go? Did you get motivated? Did you struggle? Did you use the project tracker? How many projects do you have right now?

Q1 update
This afternoon I did a spontaneous live update on my YouTube channel about all my WIPs. You can watch the replay over here. There are still a lot of projects, BUT I also feel that I’m making more progress then I did last year, without using my project tracker.
Give away
I thought it would be fun to host a give away every quarter. Just a fun extra motivation to fill out your tracker, to work on some projects. To check in with each other every three months to see how were doing. No need to finish something. No need to have everything all organized. Just a little update on how you’re doing.
What do you need to do
Joining in the give away is really simple. You just leave a comment down below. Share a little bit about your WIPs over the last three months. And if you place a comment before the 7th of April AND you’re on the Tackle That WIP mailing list, then you will automatically enter the raffle.
Are you on the Tackle That WIP list?
You are on the Tackle That WIP list when you have your project tracker. When you receive an email every month from me with [#TackleThatWIP] in the title.
When you’re not sure. Or when you would love to join for Q2, just sign up through the form below.
[mailerlite_form form_id=8]
What do you win
The give away is just for fun, a little motivation. So I will send out a little love package to one of you from my studio. Maybe some fabrics. Maybe some goodies. A little mystery package.

Now it’s your turn
So, in my video I shared my update. Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment down below. I would love to hear how it’s going! Or when you’re new, let us know what you want to work on!
Will be back with a fresh new #TackleThatWIP email for April in your inbox next week!
I watch your video this afternoon and I love your WIPs. I have a project like your crossstiching. It’s a teddybear from a childhood friend. I hope I can finish and show it next quarter. This quarter I finished two long overdue (like ten years) projects and I worked on some more so I’m quite happy. Your tip about keeping your WIP near your working space is very helpful. Thanks for al the encouragements!
I decided to gift A lot of Fabric to de Regenboogboom for Droomdekentjes. Also decided to gift A few finished tops I was not feeling happy with to them. Than I decided to Sell A lot of Fabric I was not using due to Color or pattern. It is such a releaf!!!!
I have loved this little kick to get me working on my WIPs! I’ve actually been putting together the sections of the first QAL. Just need to finish quilting now!!! The project tracker has been great too. Thanks again.
I’ve been very motivated by #TackleThatWIP and so grateful to you Irene for organising it all. In January I focused on all the small WIPs that were hanging around and I finished 16 of them! – 5 Notebook covers, 3 zipped pouches, 3 Infinity scarves, 2 Tote bags, 2 Cushion covers and, 1 Mini quilt. In February I started on my Quilt tops and turned 2 of them into finished Quilts as well as finishing another Cushion cover. In March I basted, quilted and bound 3 Quilt tops and 1 Wall hanging. I also basted anther Quilt top for quilting in April. I’m loving how motivated I feel and how my WIP list is shrinking. Thanks again Irene.
I worked on the quilt I’m making my son and new daughter in law for their wedding. I’ve been working on it for a year. They got married in Dec. BUT…he has lived in china for 6 years (she’s Chinese) and they’re both moving here in July so I should be done. Just basting, quilting, and binding left.
I have my project tracker hanging up. I have completely finished 2 quilts and moved progress on several other projects. Thanks for the motivation!
I finally got my mom’s t-shirt quilt done :) It has been in the works for about 15 years. It was a king size quilt and I kept needing more t-shirts for it, but it is done finally <3 She was so surprised when I gave it to her. She immediately put it on her's and dad's bed. I didn't use the tracker, but I am currently finding all my WIP's and putting them on it so that I can get lots more done this year :) Thank you
I packaged all my WIPs so ready to grab and go. So now we are on a 2 month stay with family in Mexico i brought my hand quilting project to do. It’s been fun and progress is being made.
I finish one top. I made the sandwich of my penguin QAL and started to quilt it. In april I’m going to test on it a long arm Q24 in a store. I’m very exiting. I made a bag for my computer. And I’m just order the tree tree house kit. So much work to do !
I am notoriously horrible at block of the month projects but can’t help myself and keep joining them. I’ve worked on my Pas De Deux Quilt of the BOM in 2022 and I’ve finished another block! And I managed to make blocks January -March of the DutchMQG BOM. I’ve started a “quick” commission for a baby quilt, but I’ll keep working on the BOMs as well. I tried putting my WIPs where I can see them but unfortunately a design wall is still on my wish list, so instead I keep my project planner on display on my sewing table and that helps!
Wow! Having it all organized and down on paper has removed the stress I was feeling about those 28 WIPs I have. I finished the flimsy for my Crazy Christmas Trees table runner and it is sandwiched and ready to quilt. The quilts for my triplet grandsons are now all quilted- two of them with my new Bernina 770 plus with the stitch regulator. Fantastic. The binding is ready to go for these 3 plus another Kaffe Kats quilt. Labels need to be done for these 4. I also finished a foundation paper pieced block of the month quilt I have to a friend as a house warming gift. It is called My Kinda Town – my first quilt like this. It took about 14 months. Victoria’s Quilts is a group of volunteers all across Canada who make and donate quilts to people living with cancer. I quilted, labelled and bound one plus pieced and sandwiched another. I also picked up another quilt kit which is waiting ro be added to the list. Irene, your work sheets are great. I set mine up in a notebook which works a little better for me. I lose papers….. I tweeked it a little but it is essentially the same. Each project I track has a tab so its easy to find. This has been so helful.
I use your check in sheet to make progress on my WIPS. Since January, I completed and mailed 2 twin quilts for my great nieces, 4 baby quilts, 2 pairs of socks. I now have 3 quilts waiting to be quilted and bound, 3 that are in various stages, and a few ideas of course!
I’m waiting for nice weather to be able to go outside and spray baste some quilts. In the meantime I made the top for my husband’s (next) Christmas quilt while at a retreat so he couldn’t see. I finished a winter wall hanging I had been planning since October. I made a quilt top with fabric from last summer’s Shop Hop. I sewed together the blocks of a quilt I had made in 2021. And I’m working on a sunflower quilt for my daughter. I designed it and bought the fabric last year. Finally putting it together. So many projects! But I do see an end to many when nice weather comes (and the wind stops for an hour).
Great Idea with the WIPs! I spent all the time with my baby girl but still finished a stitch project on some shoes and began to cut out some fabrics for a quilt for my youngest baby daughter. I always find it so hard to decide for projects when scrolling through the www and it takes too much time.. thanks for your support!
:-) nice to hear. I got 2 in progress. One quilt “houses around the world”. Here I need to do more zigzag. The other quilt just got the quilting. the binding is ready to go. Thanks to our WIP-sheets. It’s fun marking the boxes.
Thank you for a lovely video I do much enjoy them you have a lot of ideas and full on colour I’ve started to use you tackle that wip form and helps me to keep on track brilliant idea 💡
I work in three’s because if I get overwhelmed with one I step back re focus and start on the other one
Hallo from Switzerland. I loved your life video yesterday. It made me feel close to the Netherlands. I finished a whole pile of T-shirts I had fabric for since more than a year. I finished a block for a BAQ project from the USA and I started to join the Dutch block of the month project. I am doing it with fabrics I bought from Sugarido😊 This was very much inspired from you. Thank you so much for the tip!!
I have been using your tracker and it has made a big difference in keeping me motivated to finish many projects.
So this quarter was a slow start for me. I had moved into a new apartment January after coming back from deployment. From there, I had to downside my stash and projects as it wasn’t manageable in my new place. Then I took all the WIPs and put them together which is in 2 totes. Out of that, I choose to do some easy table runner projects that were already cut up, just needed to be sewn together. It was really hard getting back into sewing after deployment. My sewing space is in my bedroom so finding a good setup with everything was the first challenge that I was working through and then the motivation was missing for a lot of the days which is the other reason I was slow this quarter. Then as a kicker, two weeks ago my machine started acting up signaling she needed maintenance again and I just found a place to take her too yesterday. To date, I have finished two table runners and 2 quilt tops. One additional project is half quilted now. Plan for this quarter includes binding on 4 baby quilts, cut the rest of the fabric for my irish change up and bargello quilts and updating the tacker. I still haven’t printed out the tracker but that’s the plan for today.
I have posted in IG some of my finishes. A lot of my projects stalled in 2020 (was dealing with ailing parents and Covid hit…). Finally got a couple of quilt tops done (for me, that is ‘done’). Did a queen size quilt for my daughter, completed a set of placemats and another couple of quilt tops
Hello from Colorado Springs, CO! I love your project tracker, I made a decision in 2022 to work through my scraps and stash so your PT came at a perfect time so I could add my unfinished projects to the PR list and it felt soooo good to actually check some off! I was able to finish 4 baby quilts from a stash buster challenge and I have 2 more using stash that are half finished! I love the feeling of using up stash! I’m I have a couple more half finished bigger quilts and I recently bought your giraffe pattern so I’m excited to get started on that too! Thank you Irene for helping me focus!
Hello fellow WIP-pers from Minnesota! #TacklethatWIP has been great! I have been able to finish a WIP a month so far and already working on my 4th and it’s only April 1! My mom (who taught me to sew) probably has more than 100 projects started. She is 83 and still sewing like a mad woman but I think I am going to tackle some of her WIPs too. It would be so fun to see more of her creative dreams get finished! It’s amazing how motivating it can be when you know others are working on their projects along side of you. And so fun to see your WIPs Irene – AND to see all those posted on social media. Such talent!!
I have been trying to finish a ‘Cathedral Window’ quilted pillow I started several years ago. I was trying to wait until I had collected enough scraps, that had petite prints on them, to finish it all at once. Forgot all about it – collecting again. I love to sew!
My result for Q1: I finished a headband (knit), and 3 little stuffed animals (crochet).
And I worked on: knitting: socks and a shawl, embroidery: fall fairy, and quilting: secret garden.
Only the secret garden was a new project, planned to join last november. All the other projects I started before this year. So glad I managed to stick to this projects.
Hej, hej from Neunkirchen. I loved your video yesterday and all your happy projects! In Q1 I finished a GinghamQuilt (Sleeping Size) – a present for my husbands birthday. And now I‘m working on three Quilts, one Table-runner, five Cushions and a sequence knitting cowl. Besides I had to repair some things like my brothers working pants. And … I recently bought the One Two Tree – QAL Kit and can‘t wait to sew it.
During the first three months of 2023 I worked on several WIPs. And loved working together to tackle them. First 2 rounds of the dutchmqgroundrobin, made penguinparade tops, appliqued some penguins. And oeps, even started some new projects… did some embroidery and crochet.
I moved my “sewing”place to another part of the house … moving around requires a lot of decisions, and time. Now on to new quilts, or finishing touches to WIPs
Until now I finished a sweatshirt for my husband, the pinguinparadequilt and the corresponding pillow. I don’ t manage to work on the projects I don ‘t like anymore fir different seasons though it would ve a good feeling to have them done….
Hello from Washington state. I loved your last video it did inspire me and gave me focus. I have been struggling not knowing where to start. I have so many WIPS! Something came to me while watching your last video..a goal I pulled out the wip tracker and started writing down all my unfinished quilt projects. I will start by cutting out the patterns storing them in my new storage bins and be able to have them ready to sew when I have time. I will be able to see what I have started then focus on finishing them. I have a goals!! It feels so great to have a plan that is feasible.
Last 3 months I have spent organizing my studio, cleaning and getting it how I want. Organizing all my fabric, seeing what I have and still need to finish projects. I have been purchasing the storage containers as needed, folding, storing all the projects together in the bin. Now I will use the sugaridoo tracker to begin charting my progress and keep me focused and not feel lost or overwhelmed o. All the quilt projects that haven’t been started. I’m using another sugaridoo wip tracker for my started wips.
I saw an old video of yours about quilting…”just start” you said … words of wisdom! I have made practice sheet last weekend as you suggested, will start practicing. I admit it’s scary at times, feeling am going to mess up, but I Need to “just start” and not be afraid. Like you said, I will get better with practice and time. All my quilting experience has been hand stitching with my mom, machine quilting is different, and doing it without my mom to talk too, but; in her memory.
I love all your videos, you inspire me and help me realize to do things that bring me joy and fun.
Thank you Irene!
I am on a finishing spree these past weeks… my oldest project was a sewn bix which I started in a class when my son was a baby- he turned 20 last year.
Two tablerunners are also finished, which I started almost 2 years ago.
About 18 months ago I had the first of two shoulder surgeries, then about a year later I broke my arm. I was basically one handed for 9 of 15 months. I had some quilts started, and pieced when I had two hands. I also got some of them basted. In January when I finally had 2 hands again (yay!) I got busy quilting. I have quilted and bound 9 baby quilts, 4 wall hangings, and 8 large quilts. I have been on a quest to use my stash and mostly only buy fabric for backings or when I need a bit more to go with something(s) from my stash. I have been having a ball making up for lost time! Thanks for the encouragement and for being so honest and real. You are an inspiration.
Hi Irene,
it‘s Alexas a pläsierliche Dir ne to Watch your News in the YouTube Channel ob your e-Mails. Well my unfinished Projekts are:
– the First Bernina QAL 🫣 i habe to quilt several rows. The QAL is realy not finished
– the Bee quilt. I bought a bundle in your Shop well it is still in the Box 📦
– I bought fabric bundles in your shop gor quilting and sewing little give aways for family and friends thats still ongoing too
I hope that I soon will find some time for me in all that To Dos I have with Job and family in parallel
All the best Rebecca
Oh sorry 🙈 many mistakes because of automated Word completien… so folks have fun when you read it 😂😂
I began with finishing some mini projects like mending my daughter’s jeans, a case for embroidery pins and a panty with just the elastic missing. My quilt tops are still waiting on their basting. I try to search less for new craft supplies and spend more time with crafting instead. Not always successfully though… 😂
Hi from Michigan. I started out the year strong, working and finishing 4 WIPs in under six weeks, but since Mid February I have fallen behind. My current plan to catch up to my goals is to focus on one WIP per week and try my best to get it finished. This community has definitely inspired me, especially seeing others finishing and progressing through their pieces over on Instagram. Keep up the hard work friends!
I finished a quilt I started in 2009 in Jan. Feb I got a little better organized and have my WIPS in ziplock bags hanging on a rod on pants hangers, oldest 1st so I can grab 1 and finish it up. I also finished 2 baby quilts which are boxed up and ready to be mailed. March brought APQS to Branson, MO where I attended and took classes, 1 project is complete and hanging on my wall, and the other is ready to be put together and then quilted. I also started quilting a wall-hanging round-robin that my quilt club did.
I’m late to this posting but had a busy week with a muscle/neck pull to boot! However I want you to know Irene how much I have appreciated your tracker, your enthusiasm and encouragement. Because of you I have finished a quilt of gratitude for a veteran and given it to him, basted 2 quilts that are ready to quilt, finished ‘wonky’ blocks for a quilt using leftovers and am in process of ruler quilting body pillow shams matching my daughter’s quilt I gave her pre-pandemic. I’m feeling SOOO good! Thank you Irene. Have a wonderful holiday weekend 🤗❤️ Carol really looking forward to your book and (maybe?) sew along ☺️
I am working with your project tracker. So far I have only finished some mug rugs. However, I continued working on a bigger project and nearly finished the quilting of a Patchwork cushion (80×80 cm). I decided to track the time I spend working on my projects in order to be able to estimate the time needed for Future projects.
I am using your project trackers! They really help in getting things done or just knowing what projects are ready to start. Your videos have inspired me to sew on my Bernina Q16 sit down longarm. I just finished my second project using the quilting FMQ pattern on the giraffes! Thank you for all you do!
I was able to finish piecing a small Thanksgiving table runner, prep a wall hanging and two smaller quilts for long arming, and piece a partially pieced 4th of July wall hanging!! Yay! It feels so good to make checks on my project sheet!
Afrer I listed all my WIPs on the tracker, surprisingly I am motivated to finish all, I am almost done with a charity quilt I started 4 years ago. Only border, binding and quilting left.
I just joined for quarter 2! I’m excited to finish some projects this year!