Yes! You just finished a beautiful quilt top. All you have to do now is baste it and quilt it, so you can turn your UFO (UnFinished Object) into an AFO (Awesome Finished Object). ‘Just’ pick a quilt design and get started.
“Turn your UFO into an AFO”
Does this stage make you a little bit uncomfortable? Do you want to put your quilt top on your pile of nearly finished projects and just think about it for a little longer? You’re not alone! I’ve heard so many people hesitate to finish their quilts because they can’t decide on a quilt design.
So, I decided to make a video on it. Not that I am the expert. Not even close. Did you see the video where I show my 364 WIP’s? BUT, I do think I’m getting better on quilting my quilts. Best thing: I’m spending less and less pondering over which quilt design to choose for years before I finish my quilts.
Wanna become a master in finishing those quilts? Grab your copy of my free ebook and check out the video below for my five step master plan.
Just in case you want the sort version:
STEP 1: Take a good look at your quilt top. Are there any clues in there? Maybe it is a big design which would work well with a smaller overall quilt pattern. Maybe there are shapes in your design around which you can echo with straight lines? Maybe your quilt top is made from squares so you can stitch in the ditch or stitch just beside the ditch.
STEP 2: Go through the 101 ideas for quilting ebook with your quilt top in mind and see if there are designs that resonate with you. That call your name.
Step 3: The most important step. Make a choice. Just pick a design. The moment you decide, you can finally start quilting your quilt.
STEP 4: Go quilt your quilt. Hop behind your sewing machine, grab some thread and start quilting.
STEP 5: Might sound like a weird step, but I love this one. When your half way through quilting your quilt. Don’t hesitate and finish it! Don’t have second thoughts on your choice. The only way to get better at quilting, at picking quilt designs, is by doing. So go and practice. Finish a quilt so you can start a new project. Done is so much batter than perfect!
Well okay, maybe that was the not so very short version. But that’s it. No rocket science right? There is no better feeling than to get your machine running and finish some quilts if you ask me.
Hi would love to get your ebook 101 stitching ideas. How do I get it?
Hi. I would love to get your 101 stiching ideas. How do I get it?
I would like a copy of your 101 stitching ideas
very interesting
Hi Debbie, Loved your video and would really like to get the 101 Stitching Ideas.
I would love a copy. Where is the link to get it?
Hi would love to get your ebook 101 stitching ideas. How do I get it?
I would like a copy of Your 101 stiching ideas freebook
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. Happy Quilting!
Hello, I would like to get the quilting 101 free book. I don’t see any download? How can I get it please?
I would love to have your ebook 101 stitching ideas
I enjoyed your video.
Free e book?
Would like a copy of your ebook.
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how do I get the 101 idea for quilting
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Hello! I subscribed, but I didn’t receive the ebook for 101 designs.
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The links all go to the Year in Review. I tried them all. Is the 101 Ideas e-book not available?
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
I love your videos, I subscribed and am looking forward to getting my ebook.
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I love your videos! I subscribed and am looking forward to your ebook.
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
Hi. I would love to get your 101 stitching ideas e-book.
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The link from the youtube video just brings me back to this blog page and does not give a download link to the ebook. What am I doing wrong?
Hi I would love your ebook please
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Hi! I would love a copy of your ebook, but can’t find the link. Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you!!
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I would love to have the e-book,
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How do I access the 101 Ideas for Straight Line Quilting? There is no link….
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I would like 101 ways; trying to send info for account login to receive this and more?
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Everything ok? Love your videos – you make me happy and confident to get started on finishing my quilt. Love your ad-hoc triangle design, which I plan to use. I too would love your 101 ideas. Did your website get re-designed and link forgotten? It seems these are more recent replies that can’t find the link.
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I would appreciate your free ebook please!
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Please send 101 quilting ideas
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
Hello, i like your 101 Quilt ideas, please sind meine this free book. Trank you.
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
I would like to get the 101 ebook
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
i would like a copy of the 101 e-book
Yay! Finally the book download is working again. You can now go and download it in this blog post. Happy Quilting!
I can’t see where to download it. how do i download it?
Love to have your ideas
I subscribed but did not get the download. How do I get it?
Book isn’t downloading.
Hi! I signed up, but haven’t received the ebook on designs. Please let me know how to download it. Thank you. Happy quilting!
Please send the straight quilting email again. I lost mine.
Hi, I think you’re still having issues with the download for 101 Ideas for Quilting. I subscribed but never got the link.
Thanks so much! I always get stumped when sewing my quilt together. Your e-book will be very useful!!
Hi Irene did not get the link for the e-book. Would love to get started
I too would like the e-book, thank you.
Love what I see, also would like copies
Book download not working :(
I just subscribed but I didn’t received the book, where can I get a copy?
I can not find the download for the e book 101ideas for quilting have requested but nothing appears
I would very much like to receive your e-book, 101 Straightline Quilting ideas. Thank you in advance.
Unable to download the 101 ebook.
Hi there
I’ve tried to download your free motion e-book three times and I have not received it yet. Is it still available? Thank you
Is the e-book not available anymore?
Don’t see a link to download the free ebook. How do I get it?
I don’t see where I can download the ebook
Please help
Please send me your e book
Thank you
Please send me your ebook.
Hi. I would love to get your 101 stiching ideas. How do I get it?