Last weekend I was looking for a quick gift to make for a one year old boy. I wanted to give something personal, but didn’t had time to make it from scratch. So applique it would be :) I found a lovely zip hoodie at the HEMA. Perfect to add some applique letters. All you need for this is a fun fabric and some vliesofix. I believe it’s called bondaweb in English?

Print out a letter of choice. I used two sizes, one smaller one for the front and a larger one for the back. Then you can trace it on to the vlisofix/bondaweb. Just make sure to trace the mirrored version of the letter!


After tracing you can cut roughly around the letters and press them on to the wrong side of the fabric. Try not to put your iron on the sticky side of the vlisofix, that will get messy ;) _Applique3

Now you can cut the letters over the lines you drew on the vliesofix. Then take of the paper layer of the vliesofix and place the letter wherever you would like to secure it. Give it a good press and you’re ready for stitching. I used a blanket stitch around the letters.
_AppliqueEasy peasy, a fast sewing project and a lovely gift :)


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9 years ago

What a great idea for a quick personalised gift:)

9 years ago
Reply to  Vicky Myers

Thank you so much Vicky!

9 years ago

Great idea!

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