It’s week 3 of the Penguin Parade QAL! We will continue sewing penguins. How did it go last week? Did you finish your first penguin friends? Here are some of the penguins popping up on Instagram. 😍
Thank you so much for sharing your work! Love to see your progress and cheer you on. Just use the hashtag #PenguinParadeQAL so I can find your posts on Instagram.
New here?
If you’re just hearing about the Penguin Parade QAL, make sure to check this page where you’ll find all the blog posts together.
New blocks
To keep up with the schedule we need to make three new penguin blocks this week. Or four if you’re making the 12 penguin quilt.

Keeping up with sewing can be a challenge when things happen or you have a little less sewing time then expected. You don’t need a full evening, of a whole weekend to be able to sew. Even 30 minutes of sewing could be nice and relaxing. Taking multiple small steps will also get you there.

Next week
It’s just a short blog post this week, keep those penguins coming! :D
After this week, there are three penguins left to sew. Next week I’ll also share more info on how to applique the eyes.
Happy quilting!
Hugs, Irene

Ik heb vandaag mijn eerste pinquin gemaakt
Weet niet hoe een foto te plaatsen