Yes! You just finished a beautiful quilt top. All you have to do now is baste it and quilt it, so you can turn your UFO (UnFinished Object) into an AFO (Awesome Finished Object). ‘Just’ pick a quilt design and get started.

“Turn your UFO into an AFO”

Does this stage make you a little bit uncomfortable? Do you want to put your quilt top on your pile of nearly finished projects and just think about it for a little longer? You’re not alone! I’ve heard so many people hesitate to finish their quilts because they can’t decide on a quilt design.

So, I decided to make a video on it. Not that I am the expert. Not even close. Did you see the video where I show my 364 WIP’s? BUT, I do think I’m getting better on quilting my quilts. Best thing: I’m spending less and less pondering over which quilt design to choose for years before I finish my quilts.

Wanna become a master in finishing those quilts? Grab your copy of my free ebook and check out the video below for my five step master plan.

Just in case you want the sort version:

STEP 1: Take a good look at your quilt top. Are there any clues in there? Maybe it is a big design which would work well with a smaller overall quilt pattern. Maybe there are shapes in your design around which you can echo with straight lines? Maybe your quilt top is made from squares so you can stitch in the ditch or stitch just beside the ditch.

STEP 2: Go through the 101 ideas for quilting ebook with your quilt top in mind and see if there are designs that resonate with you. That call your name.

Step 3: The most important step. Make a choice. Just pick a design. The moment you decide, you can finally start quilting your quilt.

STEP 4: Go quilt your quilt. Hop behind your sewing machine, grab some thread and start quilting.

STEP 5: Might sound like a weird step, but I love this one. When your half way through quilting your quilt. Don’t hesitate and finish it! Don’t have second thoughts on your choice. The only way to get better at quilting, at picking quilt designs, is by doing. So go and practice. Finish a quilt so you can start a new project. Done is so much batter than perfect!

Well okay, maybe that was the not so very short version. But that’s it. No rocket science right? There is no better feeling than to get your machine running and finish some quilts if you ask me.


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Mary Slaughter
6 years ago

Your ideas are so refreshing. I have been quilting for more years than I would like to think about and you inspire me to do more. Thank you for your enthusiasm and willingness to share. I am with you on October 1.

6 years ago

Hi , enjoy you YouTube videos:)
Subscribe to get your ebook also. How long does it take to receive the book?

2 years ago
Reply to  Irene

Hi Irene,
I too did not receive the ebook. I have confirmed my email as requested but it has not shown up. It is also not in my spam folder.

Lisa kowal
2 years ago
Reply to  Irene

First, I loved your tips! I am new to quilting and constantly second guess myself. I’m so glad I found your video. I subscribed and confirmed my subscription but did not get my free e-book. How can I get a copy? Thank you for making this video!!!!

11 months ago
Reply to  Irene

I’m not able to download your book.
Is it still available?

Lisa Bowman
6 years ago

I love your tutorials, I am a beginner 2 years. I taught myself by u tune. I have about 10 quit tops and I will do what you said. JUST DO IT. LOL Thank you

6 years ago

I Absolutely think you’re priceless! Your ideas and methods are exactly what I need to get going . Llove love you new hair cut too cute!!!

Love to you and baby boy

Elizabeth McKay
6 years ago

Love your new hair-do and your great ideas! I will be with you….

6 years ago

Ik heb me voor de nieuwsbrief aangemeld maar helaas niet het e-book ontvangen, ook niet in de SPAM folder.
En ik had mij er zo op verheugd! Misschien moet ik mij nog maar een keer aanmelden? Ik zal het in ieder geval proberen.

6 years ago

Thank you for the e-book!!

6 years ago

Love the hair! Great look. Thank you for the book. Check with missouri star quilts, they self pubilish a book/magazine. You could use their publisher.

Susana Font-Fontenot
6 years ago

Thank you for your e-book. I appreciate any help I can get to finish my WIP.

Faye Tulk
6 years ago

For some reason the ebook isn’t coming to my email, I have tried 3 or 4 times, it showed up once & disappeared right away, said something about your server not uploading…. love your video..

Anna Schuurmans
6 years ago

Hi from Northern Ontario Canada. I just Love watching your videos. Your wonderful personality inspires each to try free motion quilting. That’s the part that stops me from quilting as I have no one in my town that dies quilting so I have to do it myself.

6 years ago

Irene, I came upon your tutorials by accident, I am so glad I did! You are so delightful, and the beautiful simplicity of your designs with your choice of fabric colors is so up lifting .

5 years ago
Reply to  Dotti

Hi – I just love your penguins. Thanks so much for everything!!

5 years ago

Thank you very much for your amazing support!

Have a good time, many regards from Germany

Peggy Johnson
5 years ago

Thank you so very much, I’ve sewn garments for almost 50 years but have made a couple baby guilts. I need all the help I can get since I really enjoy quilting but know nothing about free motion. I’m going for it tho! ? Again thank you, I adore your personality and your videos.

5 years ago

I subscribed to the email but didn’t receive the ebook. Thanks for the tutorials.

5 years ago

Hello Irene, Christine from Australia here, just like to say thank you for the free Ebook, this will help me know how to finish my quilts. I am new to quilting, and I am now ready to start my very first quilt project. I have done a lot of research and now with your help with ideas, skills and inspiration you have given me, this oldie is ready to begin in a whole new chapter and so useful crafting adventure.
So happy I found you, absolutely love watching your vlogs on YouTube.
Ps. I love your smiles, it makes me smile even more xxx C?

Betty Pompey
5 years ago

I Irene your videos are excitement so bright, cheerful and informative. I signed up for your emails and the free 101 quilting patterns on 7/13/2019. I still have not received them in my email. I got your confirmation email which I submitted and I also checked the spam folder. Still no download. Please help.

Jennifer Maddock
5 years ago

I just downloaded your free e-book and it is fantastic. I have a quilt top that I was wondering how to quilt because it is a sampler of blocks of different sizes with lots of white space in between. I’m going to try the chevron design on it and I think it will look great. Thanks so much for all your inspiration and creativity. I love your colourful and fun videos. TFS.

5 years ago

Hello Irene. I live in the Buckeye state (Ohio) in the US. I found your youtube videos a couple of months ago and have been addicted ever since. You are the cutest and sweetest! I am a grandmother who retired a few years ago and am teaching myself how to piece quilts. I have completed only five so far, but I love it. I haven’t actually quilted one yet. I love your suggestion to stop overthinking it. It is only fabric after all. How can we learn unless we march forward and just do it? Thank you so much for your videos and for helping us learn how to make beautiful things! You do make it look easy. Your “little mister” is sooooo adorable!

5 years ago

I have enjoyed every thing you have done. Looking forward to the e book hope you find some one State side to help you out with your big plans. You are a delight take care of your self and little mister… Mister.

5 years ago

Hi Irene,
Thanks for the videos and ebook. Please help me, which computerized sewing machine do you recommend to help make quilting and sewing more fun and easier.

5 years ago

Thank you. It’s a long long time since I’ve quilted over 30 years but you’ve inspired me to have a go again

5 years ago

Hello Irene, I stumbled across your video a couple days ago. I love love love your piece working…. I am going to get the tulip pattern and try it. I love tulips…. I hope I enjoy this craft….. keep up your Amazing designs. I can’t wait to see more of your Videos. I have been trying to find you sampler book, but not able to. Plesse let me know how to buy it.

Karen Field
4 years ago

I have just found you, omg where have you been ? I’ve been trying to free motion for over a year now and I got so frustrated. You have simplified this so much for me and now I’m ready to learn properly. I can’t thank you enough.

Julie Smith
4 years ago

Hello Irene! I just came across your videos a few days ago and have been binge watching – so glad I found you! I love the way you include some of your thought processes. It makes me realize that I am not the only one with those same questions/struggles and it builds my confidence. Bless you! I am sorry I missed the beginning of the Bernina QAL, but I have signed up so I will have the patterns. Good luck with your business and I look forward to seeing more of your work. Hugs to you and baby Jules!

Sandy Boetsma
4 years ago

Hi Irene! I came across your video quite by accident and I’m hooked! I love your attitude. I just downloaded the e-book and can’t wait to get started. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos.


4 years ago

Hi, loved your video (beginner free motion quilting) and wanted to get your free ebook but I never received it. I have check my junk/spam folder as well I subscribed yesterday. :(

Sharon Donoghue
4 years ago

Hi Irene, I have been watching your utube channel and absolutely love it, I am so looking forward to your next project after the QAL, I have downloaded your free ebook as I have been a hand quilter for many years but now want to learn how to machine quilt. Thank you for your inspiration

Vicky Heckman
4 years ago

I’ve watched a few of your videos and I like your spunky humor. I also like that we share similar quilting techniques in that everything doesn’t have to be made with the same size block to make a perfectly nice quilt. I look forward to seeing some of your ideas in your e-book. I’m glad you shared the how to in how you actually

Jacqueline Hartzog
4 years ago

I just love when I see young people doing what they love. Keep it going.

4 years ago

I’m trying to receive your ebook..I got the first email to subscribe, I clicked subscribe but still haven’t gotten the second with the book. I checked my spam folder and nothing..?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jaclyn

Never mind I got it 👍🏻

4 years ago

Irene, I accidently found your videos and blog spot and so very excited I did!!! I have searched for many months and a couple of years to find ideas to get me out the “I am to dumb to do this Machine Quilting” rut I have let myself stay in! I do know I can do this it’s just finding the inspiration and possible ideas to use on my quilts have been difficult for me. I have a limited budget and space. My sewing machine is small in harp space, so I find it hard to continue my WIP’S! But now I have the resource! Thank you so much!!! Love it all and you and your cute personality!!! Kathy

4 years ago

Thank you Claudia you’re such a young girl but with a big but I have learned a lottttttttttttt from you in FMQ !!!!!!. Thank you so much now my fear in quilting is gone melted by your video in freemotion quilting. With love from downunder New Zealand. Enjoy too bye.

Elizabeth Mulhall
4 years ago

Irene, thank you so much for your wonderful tutorial on FMQ. I have never attempted this as I just felt overwhelmed by the whole process. Watching you prepare the machine etc., broke it down into manageable pieces. Your style is so joyful and happy it is thoroughly infectious and I realised I would like to approach my sewing with the feeling of having fun and enjoyment. Sending you my best wishes from Ireland and thanking you for your generosity in sharing.

4 years ago

Irene, I signed up 2 times for the 101 ideas. I confirmed my subscription also. It’s not in my email, not even my Spam! What do I do now??? Thanks… I’m looking for ideas to finish Christmas gifts!!!

4 years ago

Hi Irene, I’ve been making quilts for just a few weeks. Your tutorials have helped me so much! I’ve nearly finished my 2nd quilt top and I’m excited to practice quilting. Have a lovely Xmas and New year 😊

Donna Uselton
4 years ago

Hello, Donna here. Been quilting only since may of 2020. However, this year i have made 4 quilt tops . I need to quilt them . Now after your book I am excited to start quilting them. Thank you so very much.

Teri Thurston
4 years ago

Is there a delay in getting the E-book 100 ideas for straight line quilting? Web site says should receive it in my in box but no book. Even have checked my spam folder.

Lila Mills
4 years ago

I have subscribed twice now and have not received your free ebook yet.

Joan Shamp
4 years ago
Reply to  Lila Mills

I also have subscribed twice but still no ebook.

June Kreis
4 years ago

I am new to quilting and I love your video. You have given me the incentive I needed to start this endeavor. Thank you so much. Just Get It Done, is my new phrase to put on my
t-shirt. Or Just Do It!

4 years ago

I just learned about your website and your talent from watching Karen Brown’s interview with you on Just Get It Done Quilts. Im looking forward to receiving your free eBook -101 Ideas for quilting. I like to listen to quilting programs while I sew my quilts.

4 years ago

Irene, thank you so much for this e-book. I t will help me to finish the sampler quilt I’m working on. I’m still looking for an idea on how to quilt hand-embroidered squares. I don’t really want to quilt over them, but think echo quilting will be too dense in some areas and not dense enough in others. These will be 8″ squares for a child’s quilt. Any ideas. I can send pictures of blocks if that would help. Thank you, in advance of any ideas

3 years ago

I would love to download the 101 line quilting but can’t seem to find where it is

Sharon B. Stevenson
3 years ago


3 years ago

I would like to download your free ebook but I am not able to find it, could you point me in the right direction

3 years ago

Irene, I’ve watched many of your videos, I love them. You have such a sweet spirit that’s makes me happy to learn more. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you so much

3 years ago

You are so refreshing in your approach to FMQ. Thank you for the inspiration.

3 years ago

I never received my ebook. (Sad face) I even subscribed with my other email address. Really looking for some ideas for my quilt.

3 years ago

I have not received my ebook either. Very sad as I was excited to get ideas for quilting!

2 years ago

I have tried your ideas but my fabric puckers or pleats and once I have a pleat it continues to pleat. Its quite frustrating.

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