Whoohoo! We are a half year in to our Tackle That WIP adventure. Time for a moment of reflection. Looking back on how we’re doing so far.
So, how are you doing?
Have you been keeping up the pace with working on your projects? Did you get some finishes? Did you get some progress? I would love to hear all about it!

2nd quarterly update
Here is the video of my quarterly update. An honest update. I haven’t worked as much on my WIPs as I would have liked, due to the release of my book Happy Notes. BUT, there was still some progress, so I’m happy.
From overwhelm to feeling motivated
One of the biggest learning points for me this quarter came after recording my quarterly update. I felt a little bit overwhelmed by all my unfinished projects. Especially because I would like to work on all of them, right now. But I don’t have much time for those projects right now.
Getting this little piece of advice: “Just focus on one project first”. Really helped my to turn that overwhelm into motivation. In the days after the video I finished a binding that I had been postponing or a month, and finished quilting on a mini quilt that I started years ago.
Give away
End of the second quarter, means time for a giveaway! Just a fun extra motivation to fill out your tracker, to work on some projects. To check in with each other every three months to see how were doing. No need to finish something. No need to have everything all organized. Just a little update on how you’re doing.
What do you need to do
Joining in the give away is really simple. You just leave a comment down below. Share a little bit about your WIPs over the last three months. And if you place a comment before the 7th of July AND you’re on the Tackle That WIP mailing list, then you will automatically enter the raffle.
[mailerlite_form form_id=8]Are you on the Tackle That WIP list?
You are on the Tackle That WIP list when you have your project tracker. When you receive an email every month from me with [#TackleThatWIP] in the title.
When you’re not sure. Or when you would love to join for Q3, just sign up through the form above.
What do you win
The give away is just for fun, a little motivation. So I will send out a little love package to one of you from my studio. Maybe some fabrics. Maybe some goodies. For sure a fun little mystery package.

Now it’s your turn
So, in my video I shared my update. Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment down below. I would love to hear how it’s going! Or when you’re new, let us know what you want to work on!
Will be back with a fresh new #TackleThatWIP email for July in your inbox soon!
I’v finally got my WIP-list down to 19. It’s been a long time since I’ve been under 20 works in progress. Hoping to get under 10 by the end of this year. Just taking it one at a time definitely helps.
I have managed to put the binding on two large quilts and finished a big cross stitch piece of work. I still have two more quilts to bring and one cross stitch piece to complete. I want to start 4 new quilt projects in the Autumn, so clearing all of my WIP’s is going to give me the enthusiasm to begin some more fun sewing.
My start with the WIPs was rather slow, but now I managed to baste and quilt the BOM I participated in last year. Binding has also already been sewn to the front, only the hand sewing to the back and the label are missing. I am quite proud of myself.
As for the rest … I have two finished quilt tops that I really want to get to soon (one is a Christmas quilt pieced two years ago, oops). And then I have another four projects for which I have pattern and fabric and partly started cutting the fabric. But my main goal is to finish those two quilt tops. I mostly hesitated with those because I wanted to do free motion quilting but could not muster the courage yet.
I made some progress on my WIPs but only one project is completely finished and gone from my list and that was a quilt for my aunt. I quilted 14 individual blocks for a quilt as you go project, I finished 3 quilt tops, a scrappy zipped pouch and I basted one quilt top. About halfway through quilting that top I ran out of thread and energy… So, not as much progress with my WIP list as I had planned but I’m celebrating the progress that I made.
I’ve worked on (and completed!) several new small projects, but actually haven’t finished a single one of my Works in Progress. 🥴 I did give myself grace to discard something that was NEVER going to be finished, so thank you for helping me in that decision! Now I’m quilting a new table runner for a friend, and next is (hopefully) a WIP from last October. (bags for a friend and me) Unless something else rainbow-y gets in the way! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
I finished a quilt for my great nephew & just got it back from the longarm quilter (usually do it myself but it was a HUGE couch quilt to fit his 6’6” body…plus it’s got 2 layers of batting). Just need to trim it & do the binding. I also dug out some completed blocks & have them all laid out, ready to stitch together .
Hello. Thanks for all your videos. You are very enjoyable to watch and real knowing I am not alone. I also got to the point of being extremely overwhelmed. I took on your approach of concentrating on one thing only to finish and that helped to take away my anxiety of it. I was very happy to finish a quilt that was supposed to be a gift last June. All I had left was half of the binding to be hand stitched.🤦🏼♀️ I finally finished it last week and even got a label on it for my son in laws 40 th birthday. So it made it even more special. He loved it. You amaze me on how much you get done with having little ones as well. Good luck on the sales of your book, you are a wonderful designer. Love it.
I’ve finished my socks and a shawl (both knitted). And I focussed on a blanket for crochet, Fall Fairy for embroidery and Secret Garden for quitling.
I now have one set up for final quilting, and one thread for that has been ordered or second quilt back done and finally enough fabric has been ordered to finish top of third quilt. Unstarted projects have been organized and put away as a bonus if I finish the first 3
I got out my longest WIP’s this month and I am determined to have them done by Xmas. In March of 2018 I lost my mum to cancer, when Dad and I were going through her clothing I kept some to make quilts and memory bears. 5 years on and I still have the quilts in the half done stage. I have worked on them here and there over the years, but the grief of it got to much. But I am now wanting family members to enjoy these quilts instead of the clothing sitting in a basket in my sewing area. Iam doing foundation paper pieced scrappy hearts with a crumb border. I have completed 50 blocks out of 150 or 175 blocks. The blocks are the time consuming part. Once they are all put together, the quilts will come together very quickly. I am hoping to have 6 or 7 quilts done by Xmas. Wish me luck!!
I can relate to feeling overwhelmed by your list. Mine is also way too long. Choosing a few and focus only on them will help. Sometimes i use the tiny decisions app so I don’t have to choose. This quarter I finished one amigurumi and a pillowcase. I made the binding for the penguin parade quilt and decided how I will quilt it. Now I need to clean the floor so I can baste it.
Well, as I’ve been under the weather so I just push to get most anything done. I have prioritized 10 custom outfits for my beautiful grand-daughters 11th birthday. All my quilting has been on hold since my hospitalization in January; I decided the birthday girl comes first, so now have just completed all those iItems I’ve sewn two cat coin purses to help out Santa. Now my sister has requested one for herself having sent a photo of her cat. So will make that placing my quilt on hold again ( though I have pre-washed all the fabric so my next quilt id kinda’ started. I have still have three quilts hovering. Don’t feel I’ll ever catch up
Just this week I turned a UFO into a WIP and I’m really happy about that. I started this purple and green logcabin quilt about 9 years ago when I had no experience in quilting. I just finished the last 8 blocks and now have a pile of 48 blocks to play around in a 6×8 grid and was able to color in a box on my tracker. It’s so fun to lay them out on the floor and try different layouts. So Interesting to see how my sewing skills have grown since then and I’m looking forward to finishing this quilt this summer.
I finished my Flower Dance quilt top now to quilt it. I finished table topper and wall hanging all the way! I finished Rock Candy quilt all the way also! I am loving this tackle that wip !! I have finished six quilts and four toppers so far! You are inspiring me to keep on going!!
I’ve made progress on my Star of Wonder block a day (far behind but making progress and learning so much. Nearly finished Trinkets, just cut out the next 2, then I’d like to pause SoW and work on some longer outstanding WIPs and milestone birthdays sewing
I think I didn’t understand the project because I started a new quilt :P
I started the elephant abstraction from Violet Craft. But I’m almost done. I just have the binding to do. It will be done this week.
I try to do EPP just to see if I like it. Then it’s a pleasant thing to do.
I’m not doing so well with my old WIPs. I have been working very hard on a few BOM quilts. I also started a Quillow and pieced those blocks as starters and enders for my BOM quilts. The Quillow isn’t bound but flipped inside out. Want very much to have it done by the next check in so it will be on my couch for the cold winter that will come to Minnesota. I also found an OLD WIP that was partially cut and is beautiful Fall colors with an Easy as ABC and 123 pattern. That will be the next thing to use as starters and enders and will also hopefully be done for Fall and the next check in. Love all your videos. Your scarf is amazingly beautiful and will make a lovely infinity scarf. Mary
I crocheted 63 granny squares for an afghan I began to make for my daughter some time ago. I gave them to her at her birthday and she made the layout herself, which was quite fun. Now I am half done with the joining. I often offer WIPs to family members as birthday presents and normally I get them done afterwards quite quickly because I am more commited to do it then.
No real finishes yet. But still progress on some projects. There are 2 more tops waiting to get basted. Maybe this month…
It helps to use the printables to mark my progress and keeping overview. :)
Awe I misses the fact that I needed to comment here. I guess I thought I’d need to just post on Instagram. Oh well next time. I’ve finished one quilt since starting #tacklethatwip, and another quilt top!
My Mom passed this past year and I inherited all of her WIPs and supplies. I also fell twice this past winter and have had to put a lot of crafting on hold so I’m easing back into it now, with the help of Irene.
This past quarter my WIPs are…
– Stash buster quilt 1. Two halves completed and sewn together. Just binding and label left on this.
– Stash buster quilt 2. Top, backing, and sandwiching of a donation quilt. Ready to quilt now.
– Stash buster quilt 3. A donation also ready for quilting.
– Marian Cardigan lace back about half done. More progress needed.
I finished a quilt top, did the binding on two lap quilts, and finished an expanded Giraffe quilt using a pattern from Sugaridoo. I plan to work on some self-binding receiving blankets for our hospital before going back to my WIP list.
Hello Irene,
thank you for hosting this! I’ve finished my very first quilt for the wall in my studio. And I am very proud! And I finished two other tops from my list. Actually I’m quilting a smaller top just for training. Looking forward to the next quarter.
Hugs Sabine